Policy and a Pint panelists included (L-R) Eric Harkins, Vice President of Nerd Experience (HR) at The Nerdery, Ravi Norman, CEO at Thor Construction, and Traci Tapani, Co-President of Wyoming Machine. The panelists offered insights on how to recruit and grow employees ranging from baby-boomers to millennials in today’s workplace. The event is presented by The Citizens League of Minnesota; a 63-year-old organization devoted to citizen involvement in issues affecting citizens throughout Minnesota, and is sponsored by Target Corporation.
Minnesota’s Citizens League recently selected Traci Tapani to serve on a three-person panel of Minnesota leaders in workforce issues. The event, “May the Workforce Be With You: a panel discussion on issues of workforce growth and training” was held on April 1 in Minneapolis.
The panel included Eric Harkins, Vice President of Nerd Experience (HR) at The Nerdery, Ravi Norman, CEO at Thor Construction, as well as Traci. The panelists offered their respective insights on attracting and retaining exceptional employees, from Millennials to Baby-Boomers, to an engaged audience.
According to Traci, “It was a great experience to present in front of a live audience that was really engaged in current and future workforce concerns. I always learn from the questions that others ask and by listening to the other presenters.”
The event was an event of the League’s “Policy and a Pint” series which brings people together to solve issues of importance to Minnesota. Previous topics have included higher education, our aging population, water quality and many more. The event was sponsored by Target Corporation and The Current FM radio.
The Citizens League of Minnesota; a 63-year-old organization devoted to citizen involvement in issues affecting citizens throughout Minnesota, and is sponsored by Target Corporation.