Archive: May 2015

Traci Tapani Offers Insights and Advice as Panelist at Minnesota “Policy and a Pint” Event on Workforce Issues

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Policy and a Pint panelists included (L-R) Eric Harkins, Vice President of Nerd Experience (HR) at The Nerdery, Ravi Norman, CEO at Thor Construction, and Traci Tapani, Co-President of Wyoming Machine. The panelists offered insights on how to recruit and grow employees ranging from baby-boomers to millennials in today’s workplace. The event is presented by The Citizens League of Minnesota; a 63-year-old organization devoted to citizen involvement in issues affecting citizens throughout Minnesota, and is sponsored by Target Corporation.

Policy and a Pint panelists included (L-R) Eric Harkins, Vice President of Nerd Experience (HR) at The Nerdery, Ravi Norman, CEO at Thor Construction, and Traci Tapani, Co-President of Wyoming Machine. The panelists offered insights on how to recruit and grow employees ranging from baby-boomers to millennials in today’s workplace. The event is presented by The Citizens League of Minnesota; a 63-year-old organization devoted to citizen involvement in issues affecting citizens throughout Minnesota, and is sponsored by Target Corporation.
